Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Bubble Eye is a variety of goldfish, characterized by the fluid-filled sacs it has underneath both eyes. It is a "fancy" variety, its unusual shape the result of many years of selective breeding.
Like the
ranchu, the bubble eye lacks a dorsal fin, and has a double tail. It occurs in a number of colors, including gold, red, black, white, red-and-white, and calico. Its eyesacs typically start small, and then grow as the fish does, partially occluding its vision. Bubble Eyes can reach to 6 to 8 inches (15 cm) in length
While Bubble Eyes are as inexpensive and easy to find as other fancy varieties, they are not recommended for beginning fishkeepers because their delicate eyesacs can be easily damaged by rough or sharp surfaces, or by filter intakes. A Bubble Eye should never be kept in a tank with anything abrasive, such as most rocks. Should the eyesac become punctured, it is important that the owner keep the water especially clean, or use a topical product like Melafix, so as to stop the puncture from becoming infected. A punctured sac will eventually heal and grow back, although it is almost always scarred or misshapen after healing.

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